(Electromagnetic Swing)

II. Objectives:

    Experience the impact of the electromagnetic Lorentz force. By building the swing on their own they will have a hands-on activity. In addition, to observe the magnetic force in a current-carrying wire as well as its direction and the direction of current and magnetic field.

III. Materials:

  • Magnet
  • Coil
  • 5 V Battery
  • Plywood
  • Barbecue Stick
  • Wood

For the Decorations:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Sand
  • Human cut-out

IV. Procedure:

  1. Gather all the materials needed.
  2. First, make the base with the desired size you want.
  3. Second, put the magnet on the base. After placing the magnets on the appropriate positions you have to prepare the swing.
  4. Therefore cut the copper wire to the wanted length, then scrape it end to end to remove the coating, and solder it or twist to the stick. Thread the wire through the sticks made and make sure the swing is as close as possible to the magnet, but without touching it.
  5. Test the magnet if it is working with the copper wire which is connected to the 1.5 V battery.
  6. Then glue the 2 sticks for the swing to be hanged. Hang the swing made from the copper wire and
  7. Fixed the wires in the battery and the wires across the sticks.

(In the derocations of the magnetic swing)

  1. Make the fences out of the popsicle sticks, por the sand onto the base, and put the human cut-out to the swing.

 V. Concepts:

    Since physics in this activity are not just trivial, I want to add some information about it. You may see this as guidance to your presentation / lessen using the Electromagnetic Swing

 Lorentz Force:

    The Lorentz force is the combination of electric and magnetic force. It results from the interaction between the electromagnetic fields. According to Maxwells equations of classical electrodynamics a changing electrical field leads to a magnetic field. Therefore a moving charge q surrounded by a magnetic field will experience a force F, called the Lorentz force: F~L = q(~v × B~ )

 Since we know current I is equals the charge per time

I = q t

And the velocity is:

gdffWe get:


Three Finger Rule

     Sitting in physics class doing acrobatics with your fingers and trying to understand the meaning of the so called ”Three Finger Rule”.

    You also might call it “Right Hand Rule” or “Left Hand Rule” depending on your convention. But now let’s see how students can learn about it by interacting with the “Electromagnetic Swing –Lorentz Force Experiment”:

  Since coordinate systems are extremely common in mathematics, physics and engineering its fundamental to learn about in a hands-on experience. Because the Lorentz force is defined including the cross product it is necessary to have a closer look about this:

    “Given two linearly independent vectors a and b, the cross product, a × b, is a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b and therefore normal to the plane containing them.” (wikipedia) Therefore the resulting Lorentz force is perpendicular to the direction of the current AND the magnetic field lines. In order to find out about the direction of the Lorentz force we make use of the right-handed coordinates. Using thumb, index and middle finger will help us to figure out the direction of the Lorentz force.

    As you can see, the choice between whether Left- or Right-hand-rule depends on the direction of the current.

    If you are looking for the direction of the electrons flow, which is from minus to plus, you have to take the left hand. Therefore the left hand is used when talking about the technical current flow, which is from plus to minus.

   This is the only thing you should be very cautious about. Since the meaning of the index and middle finger is always the same. So let’s put this straight:

 F~L = q · (~v × B~ )

  • thumb = points in the direction of the velocity vector v
  • index finger = points in the direction of the magnetic field vector B (from North to South)
  • middle finger = points in the direction of the cross product F


VI. Conclusion

   To conclude, this activity is based on attraction and repulsion of magnet in form of swing. To and from motion of swing causes makes and break contact of electromagnetic. Magnets have a north and a south pole. This means that one end of a magnet attracts and the other side repels if placed next to another magnet. This is a fun observation to make with magnets of any kind.  When a coil of wire moves near a magnet, the motion creates an electric current. The coil becomes a simple generator of electricity. When a current of electricity flows through a coil, the current causes the coil to move. The coil receiving the current becomes a basic motor. When a current carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field, it will experience the Lorentz Force.

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