
      After this ONE BIG EVENT which is our exam, we are able to finish one last topic, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Heat Engine, considering the most factors affects in our class which we’re always encountering programs or announcement after flag raising ceremony that’s why most of our class interrupted and because of other activities in other subjects I failed to woke up early that’s why I missed some parts of our lessons but I’m able to caught up in order to prepare myself for these ONE BIG EVENT.

     For me, I felt that the most important lesson on the past semester was the LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS, we were so pressured when we knew that were going to have exams worth 80 points, I’m really worried about it knowing that days pass by so quick, so basically I must listen attentively and try my best to understand our discussions in order for me to answer the items on the our exams. On the Second Law of thermodynamics, I got confused on some of the points there, specifically the sign conventions in finding the entropy of molecules, we knew that entropy is referred to disorder, so the sign to be used is from order to disorder. But as we got some problem-solving to do, I have overcame it and learned from it. But, when we first encountered the questions in our activity on the second law of thermodynamics, I found it quite hard but with the help of my other classmate I was able to understand it better.


In our life, we need to be spontaneous just like the direction of heat that lies on a heat engine that is from hot reservoir to cold reservoir while the refrigerator is in reverse that is from cold reservoir to a hot reservoir.


      Last week also we have tackled about the Heat Engines where heat engine converts heat energy to useful mechanical work and is a device used for converting heat energy constantly as we have defined. I’m grateful on this topic because I did not encounter any problem, I thought it would be as hard as those past lessons but it is a lot easier compared to those passed lessons. I got no problems on solving on the heat engine efficiency. But on the flickers, I got somewhat confused on some of the hard and tricky questions on finding the efficiency of a particular heat engine but fortunately I have already passed through it because I listened and tried my best to understand it very well and I also take down notes on some of the important points on it because I’ll be needing those information in order to solve properly in the exam. I am also amazed on how heat engine really works. I’m now wondering, what if one of us will invent an engine which is a 100% efficient? But I think it’s impossible unless someone really can make that happen. I also got interested in our discussion on the Carnot engine because of the simulation that was presented by our Sir Lex and through this, I was able to understand it very well and so it has a four process, the isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression and adiabatic compression then the Carnot cycle repeats again and again. The part in our activity where we computed for the efficiency of a Carnot engine, I did got any trouble in the problem about it because I can already compute for it by just using the formula given and mastering the concept of course.

     Our generation nowadays is really a lucky ones right? You just can imagine how scientists and inventors make our living lifestyle very very comfortable and easy with the help of their inventions. As I always said in my blog Physics will never be the easiest subject that you’ll encounter, but one thing is for sure, you will enjoy learning because of Physics, you can also discover things by your own. I think in the near future, those lessons we’ve tackled will be needing and applying to our daily life.

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